> Tantra experience

Tantra experience

tantric experience with an escort.

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Touches on a physical and energetic level.

Touches on a physical and energetic level.

A tantric massage is a loving touch full of attention and presence, without a standard form and predetermined outcome. Tantra massage is given from the heart. We employ specialized escorts who can provide these massages.

How does a tantric massage work?

The Tantric massage is not the same as an Erotic massages wherein the body is erotically stroked with the aim of becoming sexually aroused. However, tantra is a series of loving, gentle touches on the entire body. This is done by our ladies with warm oil. The tantric massage awakens your vital life energy and revives your sensual and sexual energy, allowing it to flow more intensely. When you regularly allow yourself to be nourished by the loving attention and nurturing of the Tantra massage, it brings you closer to yourself and also closer to the feminine yin energy.

How can we assist you? Tantric Experience.

Especially for clients who lead a stressful life, have a busy chaotic job, or simply wish to experience a more spacious atmosphere, this is an experience that we wholeheartedly recommend.

Deze massage is ook heel effectief wanneer er een belangrijke afspraak is of deal gesloten gaat worden. Onze clienten hebben na een tantra massage het gevoel de wereld aan te kunnen.

During this Tantra experience, the entire body is touched and stimulated, including the genital area if desired. This will be discussed during the intake session we conduct with you prior to the appointment.

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